Contactless Attendance Solution using TorqueAI

Contactless Attendance Solution uses computer vision technology that captures face data via RTSP-enabled cameras and matches it with the existing face data to mark the attendance of individuals. Every time a person comes in or goes out of the office, their face data and attendance information will be recorded.


How Does It Work?

Contactless Attendance Solution uses existing IP cameras or CCTV cameras to recognize employees at the entrance and feed their face data to the attendance database with the current time and date. The system captures face data of employees every time they come in or go out of the office. It saves time by reducing the time people need to wait for a person to scan the card or fingerprint to enter the office. Also, the risk of contagion is reduced since there is no need for a scanner to mark the attendance.


Add Employee Data

HRs and Managers can add face data of employees along with their full name and employee ID. Attendance Reports will be generated automatically


With computer vision, employees face data is captured whenever they enter or go outside the office. The system keeps a log of check-ins and checkouts of employees with date and time.